Thursday, October 4, 2012

Print Sketch Critique(:

1. Why is texture so important to have in your sketches?
It shows different compositions in the sketch. It makes different things stand out out. If you don't have texture it won't look as realalistic.

2. Why is it neccessary for you to have several references of each animal and each background? Explain.
So  you can refer back to the pictures and it can help you draw your sketch. It is very helpful and will make your sketch look better if you have references.

3. When you look at your sketches are you able to see which sketch is the strongest and will make the best print? How do you know this?
It has the best composition.  It will show more of the lights and darks and where things are better if you have texture and good compostion. If you don't have it, it will just look like a bunch of lines and it won't look as good.

Chalk Mural(:

1. Explain your experience working on a team and executing your ideas for the mural.
    My experience working on a team was great., and our mural turned out good! We came up with an idea on what to do very easily and we all completley agreed. We all worked together and each put our input into it and we got it done!

2. Explain the importance of collaboration when working on a team.
     The importance of working on a team is that you all work together and each do part of it. Not just one person do it all. Also, for everyone to put their own ideas in and agree. It was a fun experience working with them and I think we did a great job!

3.  How successful was this project? Explain how and why.
         Our project was pretty successful, I think. It looked really neat and it had a lot of texture in the largest cloud. Also, the grass was more than one color green which made it look more  realistic. The cloud which was the part that Aliza and I worked on a lot I think looked pretty good..we used a lot of different colors.

4. Explain how you feel about creating artwork that others can interact with. Ex. Invoving the whole school?
I feel that it was a good idea to let the school be involved. It shows them the meaning of our project and what it was ment for. I think it was the best project we have done so far this semester! I really enjoyed doing it!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Value Portrait(:

1. Explain the process you went through to develop your drawing.
First, we picked someone elses picture. Then we held the pictures up to the light to get all the shapes out of the portrait and we traced them. After we did that, we started shading them in basied on the values of the picture.
2. Explain how you found the different values in the portrait?
I found different values in the portrait by loking at the picture and wherever it was dark I used my value chart and held it to my paper can shadded it dark. I did the same for the lighter values. The value chart helped showed what I should shade all the different shapes in the portrait.

3.  Did you achieve a full range of the different values within your portrait?  How?
Yes, because the sun was shining and when it hit one side of her face it made some of the values dark and some of the values light. Therfore, I had to shade some of the shapes dark than the others. Also, in her hair the values were darker because her hair is a darker color.
4. Describe your craftsmanship.  Is the artwork executed and crafted neatly?
Mine wasn't very neat because I shadded to dark to fast, but I think it looked pretty good. I also could have shadded neater and not go as fast. if I took more time I could have made it loko better and not as dark. I also should have used the value chart more and payed more attention to how much pressure i put on my pencil.
5. List any obstacles you had to overcome and how you dealt with them.The shading I had difficulty with. I shadded to dark to fast. It was hard to get the values from the picture to match the drawing.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Value Study Drawing!

1. Describe your overall thoughts on the final piece.
    It wasn't that good, I think I could have done better. The colors didn't seem too look as good as they should have and the shapes should have been larger.

2. If this was a group project, what was your contribution?
    I would contribute by drawing, because I'm better at drawing the shapes than I am at shading. My shading got a little to dark to fast.

3. How successful do you feel this piece is and why?
    I feel pretty successful, but I know that I can improve and make the shading look a lot better and make the shapes look like they are coming off the page.

4. What worked about this project? What didn’t work?
     The look of the shape before I started shading worked and looked pretty good, but the shading didn't work as well. That is something I know I can improve.

5. If you were to do this project over again, what changes would you consider making?
    Like I said, I would not shade dark to fast and make my shapes bigger so they would take up more of the page. I would also make my shadows look more real.

6. What was the most difficult part about completing this piece and why?
     The shadows by far, it was hard to make it look more real and not as flat. Another, part that was difficult for me was the shading.

7. What did you learn from this piece?
     I learned not to shade too dark too fast and how to make the shapes have volume. I also learned how to draw 3D shapes better and how to make them more real.